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5 baby steps for beginners

Although we always start off our urban farms by building Amrut Mitti, we understand that when beginners come to us, they are highly motivated. There is an urge to see something green sprouting immediately. As Amrut Mitti takes 4 months to get ready here are a series of baby steps u can take to get your kitchen garden going. 

Step 1: What u need ?


A spot that receives at least 3-4 hrs of sunlight

Balconies, window sills, open passages



Choose small containers at home that can be recycled to plant small herbs.

  1. Use what is readily available.

  2. An old plastic tub, container, bucket, oil cans, bisleri bottles


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Step 2: 5 seeds to sow from your kitchen cupboard


Once your pot is ready with compost- soil mix,  its time to sow seeds. No need to put it off till you find time to go to a nursery. Just take a peek into your kitchen cupboard and get going!



Step 3 : 5 types of containers to begin with


A bottle cast away, makes an ardent plea

"Make a self watering can device out of me"


"I may have cracked and to hold water may fail,

But I can still hold plants well", says the battered pail.


"Do not discard me as useless, Oh dear man!

Sow seeds of joy in me" urges the disposed can!


I've been used enough for washing!" cries the weathered tub,

"Now make me a part of the Urban Leaves Club!"


Earthen pots and thermocol cups and plastic throw-aways are we,

Use us judiciously and some amazing results you will see!






The age old wisdom of growing Tulsi,where it was once upon a time seen in every front yard. Most of us wish to grow Tulsi in our homes, but just as it is very easy to grow, it also doesn't grow so easily.I have heard many a complaints that Tulsi gets 'burnt' up!To stop feeling sorry, always harvest a good dose of seeds, handy for sowing for a new plant!


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Step 5 : 5 tips on Daily Care


If you have always desired to own the thumb green,

Here is the key to fulfill your long cherished dream....


Just as you are wished every morning by the  golden sun,

Wish your plants a good morning, as you would your little one.


Check the underside of leaves, for aphids and mealybugs,

Save your plants by nipping those pests off the buds.












Step 4: 5 herbs on your windowsill, balcony
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